This is a simple process that I usually forget, every time I have to upload big databases and insert them on MySQL I always try it all first and then only I remember to run the commands from the shell, I have no idea why this happen, it should be the first thing to keep in mind but I always forget.

For those with my same problem or the ones that don’t know about it, here is the easiest way to insert large databases on MySQL via shell.

First back it up from your local server, if you use phpMyAdmin there is an easy way to export all info from it, as an SQL file and store it on your computer, once this is done just FTP the SQL file to your server, login on it and use the following command. (You need to have the database already configured)


# cd /home/folder_where_the_SQL_file_was_uploaded
# mysql –udatabase_user_name -p database_name < my_uploaded_file.sql


After this MySQL will ask for the database password, just enter it and hit enter on your keyboard… AND done, you have your large database inserted in your server in a minimum amount of time.

Hope this help… Stay tuned for more info and codes!

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